Goldenloch november-15-10
Still abnormal weather at the Goldenloch, with wind and rain nearly every second day, it’s not been the best of times to come fishing, coupled with the really cold wind that blows occasionally, it really makes the fishing pretty unpleasant, however for those that have braved the elements its been rewarding for most, the weather forecast forward fortunately shows a much better situation and we could have a pleasant December, the fish are still much more active in the late afternoon and are coming quite close into the margins, but it has been noted that if the day is calm, there are hatches of sedges on various parts of the loch, all anglers visiting the Goldenloch are asked to write their names, town they live in and what they catch in our ledger including weight, this was a simple method to record the numbers of fish removed from the loch, it also allowed us to see where a person comes from, and what flies were working best, it has been drawn to our attention that it is inappropriate for us to use this information in the writing of our fishing reports, and it does infringe upon peoples civil liberties, so as from now if we wish to continue writing these reports, we have to get your permission, or, we have to declare that we may use the recorded information in our weekly reports, If any one wishes to opt out and not want their name shown the all they have to do when declaring their catch is put in a strike or just not write it in the book.
To Book for Fishing Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email or visit