Goldenloch september-06-10
Still no rain at the Goldenloch, and we have just had a week of flat calm, it has really made the fishing difficult, but anglers have changed their tactics and are now using lures and crunchers, occasionally someone tries blobs, and some have been very successful at getting fish, but generally speaking the fishing for most is quite hard, so what’s the main problem, it has to be the algae which was blossoming with the bright sunshine and Fife Council have put up signs advising all to make sure that they gut the fish and wash them before eating, DUH, also we have to keep dogs and children out of the water, as they think the algae may cause skin irritation, SEPA have been very diligent at taking samples and are confirming all that Fife Council say and do, Now all that was last week after 6 days of no wind but this morning it was blowing a gale and guess what, the algae has more or less gone, certainly the scummy green stuff round the edge has disappeared, and what we have now is slightly discoloured water, the fish seem to have enjoyed the wind as they have now stopped jumping so much, and as the person from the fisheries research place said it is more than likely that it was the algae that has been annoying them by getting into their gills, Who’s done well this week J Hennan and Rab Grierson, Buckhaven, both had and excellent day on Saturday using a Mara boo, Ace of Spades, Alex Burns, Kirkcaldy, Wrote Best Day in a long time, Allan Burke and Jim Gourley, Coaltown of Balgonie, had 14 between them, using a Montana and I Sutherland and K Leslie had 18, keeping 4 for 11lbs, but its not all like that, these are the guys that fish here regularly and understand how the loch works some others are not been so successful and leave with not having had such a big catch but hopefully still having enjoyed themselves.
To Book for Fishing Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email or visit