Goldenloch nov 23-10-09
A really quiet week at the Goldenloch mostly due however to the weather forecasters saying that we were to get gale force winds and monsoon rainstorms, yes we did have one day of torrential rain which brought the water level right up to nearly the highest we have ever had, but every other day has been fabulous in fact in the last seven days we have probably had some of the best days for fishing this year, and how many anglers, zero, but every day the forecasters predicted gloom the next day, even to-day Monday, yesterday or rather last night the evening weather forecast was rain and cold wind moving up from the south east and what is it this morning bright cloudless sky with a warm light wind from the west, the forecasters are like politicians’ they think if they say it, that’s the way it will happen, anyway more about the fishing, we have come to the conclusion that as we have been stocking fish that were about the 1 kilo size (2.2lbs) all summer and often putting in quite a few larger ones that the reason the fishing has been harder for the last few weeks is that these very fit fat fish are just lying on the bottom switched off not doing anything, this we know happens from time to time especially when there is ample feeding still around, and that certainly is the case here, to combat this our third winter stocking has been a rather large quantity of fish around the .6 kilo or (1.5lb) mark, this should definitely make for good sport and give angers a fair bit of fun, so has it worked, well Saturday saw some lads here in the afternoon and everyone caught fish John and Dougy had a really good afternoon with about 8 for the boat and on the bank Mr Wallace, Kirkcaldy and his brother who had never fished before managed 4 with three being caught on buzzers, so we will just have to wait and see
To Book for Fishing Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email