Goldenloch nov 02-10-09
As forecast the air temperature at the Goldenloch rose by several degrees last Monday, and boy did that have an effect on the fishing, after an extremely hard few days where the anglers found the fish to be showing on the surface but not actually taking anything they suddenly burst into life and started feeding and taking flies, the yellow dancer being the most popular, in fact on reading the catches book some of last weeks catches have been amazing, I Brown and T Duguid, kept 5 each and returned several and both commenting that they had had their best ever days fishing, Iain Ramage, Cupar had 5 for 14 lbs, Shaun, Bob and Betty all from Cowdenbeath, had 2 each and returned at least 2 each, Friday for some reason turned out to be a very busy day probably as everyone had seen the forecast for the weekend, and it certainly was a good day for fishing, Euan Martin and Y Smith, Dalgety Bay had 13 for the boat, Brian Stewart and Willie Robertson, Dundee had a good few which were all returned, the weekends weather was atrocious and Sunday must have seen some of the heaviest rain for a good few years but that never puts of the hardy anglers Chris and Mike McIntosh from Perth were here and using a black tadpole had 2 each I think, so what’s next well soon we will be getting a rather large load of brownies, this is for anglers to have fun catching and returning and they by next March will be in tip top condition.
To Book for Fishing Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email