Goldenloch oct 26-10-09
Here at the Goldenloch we have just had another cold wet week and the fishing has again suffered as the fish are lying deep in the water, however a glimmer of hope is on the horizon, whilst watching early morning telly this morning they were giving a long range forecast and it seems we are to have an Indian summer starting to-day, as there are hot dry winds coming north from North Africa and Spain, now this should be interesting as I have noticed that there are lots of spring bulbs and tree buds starting to burst, if we get an exceptionally long warm spell it will really muck up the seasons, for we have noticed that on the loch as well that there seemed to be an exceptional amount of insect life in the water things like beetles and shrimp, it seems like we could be having trees and flowers coming out in November and the loch which is very cold at the moment starting to warm up again, so perhaps we could be in for some great fishing yet, well you never know what’s round the corner, but some things are factual and today, Monday, sees the arrival of my second load of winter fish, these fish are beauties and at just under 2lbs each are proper hungry fish, just what we are needing to stir up the fish that are in the loch, so lets hope that we are looking at a good end to the season.
To Book for Fishing Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email