Goldenloch july20-07-09
Dry Fly Fishing at the Goldenloch has probably never been better than it is this year with loads of fish getting caught on small dry flies, and it is very noticeable that there are only a small percentage of anglers visiting that are real dry fly fishing, this past week has seen fish being caught in all areas of the loch at all times of the day, the weed problem has more or less gone now although it is still down on the bottom of the loch and that’s when the guys that really are struggling to catch fish get in trouble as they strip their lures through the water if they are to deep then they just catch the weed, C Brown Bridge of Earn using dries had 2 for 5lbs as did R Robson, Perth, the fishing has definitely become a lot easier over the last few weeks as the number of fish getting returned has increased with most anglers now returning at least 2 or 3 fish, we would like to remind anglers to please go barbless and to try and not net the fish bring them into the boat when its not necessary if you use barbless hooks it is very easy to let fish go by just letting your line go slack and just tweaking the hook out of the fish.
To Book for Fishing Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email