Goldenloch 12/01/2009
Hope all have had a good New Year and are ready for the new season, it’s already started quite well although the weather has been appalling, to date we have had about 10 anglers and all have had full bags, I bought a new book for the catches but seem to have misplaced it so we don’t have any written conformation of who caught what, Saturday saw the ice disappear and the wind was horrendous but true to form there on the loch was an angler in a boat fishing away. For 2009 we have returned to the Troutmasters competition, this by demand of our weekly regulars, so if you catch a reasonable sized fish that you wish to enter into the monthly catch you must get it verified I will have details of what exactly must be done in the lodge, so all the best to you all and good fishing for 2009 tight-lines,
To Book for Fishing Call 01337840355 or 07968006367.