Goldenloch 25/03/2008
It’s not been a very busy week at the Goldenloch due to the adverse weather conditions however for the brave lads that have appeared the fishing was superb James Ingram, Leven who had made a booking some weeks earlier arrived with his brother in law from France and fished from the boat jetty it was the only place that a line could be put out due to the high wind, using diawl bachs and consett budgies they caught fish after fish, to try and make it harder they switched to very small black/green buzzers and interestingly they started to catch brownies around the 1 to 1.5 lb size, with everything that they caught put back the lads called it a day after a couple of hours, stating that they had their best fishing for years, albeit a bit cold, Martin Nicol, Perth caught 2 on Thursday in high winds, Martin fished in between gusts was struggling to get a cast out, however on speaking to him he was just enjoying the day, yesterday saw lone angler Alan Gibson, Bridge of Earn fishing from the bank using unique black buzzers which he ties himself Alan returned a few, Alan who has been fishing here for a few years has developed his own collection of flies especially for catching fish at the Goldenloch and has given quite a few to other anglers with really good results, apart from that we are just waiting on better weather.
To Book for Fishing Call 01337840355 or 07968006367.