Week ending 29/oct/07 goldenloch At the Goldenloch now that the temperature has dropped the fishing is just unbelievable that nearly every angler this past week has caught their maximum limit, which is the first 3 killed and then 6 more all returned, but the hooks must be debarbed, to list those in a report would
Monthly Archives: October 2007
Week ending 22/oct/07 goldenloch Another great weeks fishing at the Goldenloch, Sunday saw a rather larger amount of anglers than we expected, however after the initial flurry of who got a boat all settled down and found a place to fish and it wasn’t long before all the anglers started to catch Bill Harris Cupar
Week ending 15/oct/07 goldenloch At the Goldenloch this last week we have probably had the first real week of what we would call winter fishing, the conditions certainly made it feel like winter, last Tuesday saw a huge amount of rain fall this really cooled down the water and the knock on effect was to
Week ending 08/oct/07 goldenloch Anglers visiting the Goldenloch come to relax and enjoy a few hours sport in tranquil surroundings to catch a few fish and for those visiting during the last few days everyone has achieved this, the weather conditions were near perfect and the water crystal clear, anglers and fish could see flies
Week ending 01/oct/07 goldenloch This past summer season at the Goldenloch has been pretty successful and on digesting the results it transpires that the average catch recorded has been 2.3 fish per angler not bad considering the type of year its been, we have had our fair share of problems starting with the brown algae