Week ending 10/sept/07 goldenloch
The fishing this last week as predicted has been much better with most if not everyone getting fish or at least loads of offers and wether or not they landed the fish that was up to their ability, one thing for sure everyone has enjoyed their visit, fishing from the bank on Friday night was Jake and Craig who had the time of their life turning fish and getting fish chasing the fly with large bow waves appearing all the time, however landing the same fish was proving to be elusive and although they caught one or two they themselves admitted that if they could have found what the fish were actually after they could have caught a lot more. Saturday saw a fair few anglers on the loch and again it was all down to they fly presented, the sun however caused a few problems as it had to be one of the hottest days of the year and the anglers became exhausted perhaps because of the rather large lunch time Bar B Que that was put on, the evening was very interesting as this year has not seen many good rises, but for some reason on Saturday night their was a huge hatch of sedge and other flies which made the loch come alive with fish and for the first time in months things looked normal, a very pleasant sight to see, Sunday morning saw early anglers who had seen loads of fish moving, but with a very changing wind conditions catching was not as good as the day before and then the fish moved to the far end of the loch but it wasn’t long before the first of the boats found them and soon catches were being made and with most getting good catches happy faces were to be seen, Master Possie and friend had 9 and 7 all returned, the evening proved not to be as good as the night before as the temperature dropped dramatically and the wind howled making conditions pretty poor
To book a boat or a place phone on 01337840412 or email to info@goldenloch.co.uk
Yours sincerely: John Nicol. Goldenloch.