Week ending 11/june/07 goldenloch
Another interesting week at the Goldenloch and yet again confusion, some people are having their best fishing ever and some are getting mega disappointed I cant figure it out, what I can tell you is that the situation is getting better and that the brown algae has started to ease and that’s without the aid of these fancy aerators which have still to arrive where they are is anybodies guess but they aint here, this week should also see another big delivery of fish and all being well soon we will be back to normal, fingers crossed, in the loch itself we have at the moment 3 layers of water at the bottom its cold, then we have an intermediate and on top a warm layer the fish are active in the cold and middle layers and are taking diawl bachs and bloodworms however the bigger fish are coming up briefly to the surface and taking flies on the top, mostly early morning and late evening, however the catches book makes interesting reading Kieran Westland approx 8, fishing with his grandad caught a 5.5lb rainbow which just about pulled him into the loch, he was using a green gold head, fife police had 22 for 63lbs and John Coghill using a hares ear had 4 for 10lbs, Ray Eastwood on a quick visit for a few hours had 5 all returned as did James Imrie who was using red diawl bachs, Alan Gibson who is having his best season ever here caught 2 for 6lbs using buzzers, Mr Burns and Wilson fishing on Saturday under a blazing sun had 3 each using cats whiskers and diawl bachs, Gordon Mackie using what can best be described as a wee black fly had 3 for 7lbs, so there it is yet another strange week, for there are those that caught nothing as well Brian Stewart, Brad Milton, R Paterson and Spike but it says in the book that he tried very hard however it is his first season.
To book a boat or a place phone on 01337840412 or email to info@goldenloch.co.uk
Yours sincerely: John Nicol. Goldenloch.