Week ending 25/june/07 goldenloch Its great to be able to say that the water is crystal clear I am not so sure for how long as the warmer weather must just be around the corner and green algae will be back there is nothing surer, what little we had last week seems to have washed
Monthly Archives: June 2007
Week ending 20/june/07 goldenloch Well this report is a pleasure to write, the first aerator was up and running on Wednesday last week with the second on Thursday and by Saturday the loch had transformed into its old self, the brown algae just melted away and the water clarity came back, the catches have been
Week ending 11/june/07 goldenloch Another interesting week at the Goldenloch and yet again confusion, some people are having their best fishing ever and some are getting mega disappointed I cant figure it out, what I can tell you is that the situation is getting better and that the brown algae has started to ease and
Week ending 04/june/07 goldenloch Now we have established the problem, the next stage is getting rid of it, well experience has taught us that nature will do the most, however we are awaiting the arrival of 2 specialist aerators specially designed for dealing with this problem, they bring the water up from approx 2 feet
Week ending 01/june/07 goldenloch Newsflash. To-day Friday, we have at last found out what the problem is with the fishing, and thank goodness its not that hard to fix, basically we have got brown algae, it’s an unusual type in that unlike its cousins it does not produce oxygen but consumes it, and the expelled