Week ending 16/april/07 goldenloch
At last something worthwhile to write about, the past few months have seen the fish in a shoal whish has moved in and out of the weeds at the far end of the loch, this shoal formed when the ice froze the loch back in mid January and it has stayed intact since, it is also partly due to the fact that since we lost all our old wise trout which very much had their own territories, we have had to restock with fish that are all approximately the same age and size, giving rise to the fact that they would naturally and very quickly group together, last week we stocked with big fish from five to ten pounds in the hope that they will break up this shoal and it seems to have worked as we have just had a pretty successful weekends fishing, it will take time for the balance of the loch to return to what it was before the incident last September and be easy fishing, however our fish numbers are high and the fly life hatching as observed to-night Sunday was massive, it may just be a very good May month, we can only wait, there is another consignment of fish due this week so lets hope that they stay on the loose so to speak.
To book a boat or a place phone on 01337840412 or email to info@goldenloch.co.uk
Yours sincerely: John Nicol. Goldenloch.