Week ending 18/dec/06 goldenloch
Fishing this past week at the Goldenloch has seen very varied conditions it started with really strong winds which caused mayhem with the lads trying to fish from the boats however fish were still getting caught, Mr W Robertson Newport using white Fritz had a couple for 4lbs and Brian Stewart Dundee had 3 using an Orange Fritz all returned, the weekend saw much better conditions and the fishing improving, with nearly everyone getting their limits, however some did better than others, Bob Cox Dundee had 6 keeping 3 for 9lbs using damsels and diawl bachs, Ray from Bankfoot had 3 rainbows and 3 brownies using Frizz’s and the best catch of the weekend went to Mr A Hammer, Edinburgh using his own home tied flies that he was experimenting with, he called them dry lures, catching 3 for 10lbs and returning 3, the past 2 days have seen a complete change in the weather and the loch frozen over, this however does not deter the keenest of anglers, today we watched as 4 keen lads cleared a way out to the middle of the loch and then fish for the day, when asked if the had enjoyed their days fishing, Messrs McClusky and Nesmith announced that they always enjoyed their days fishing no matter the weather.
To book a boat or a place phone on 01337840412 or email to info@goldenloch.co.uk
Yours sincerely: John Nicol. Goldenloch.