Week ending 13/nov/06 goldenloch
Goldenloch anglers have been catching fish this past week with yellow flies, if its not got yellow then it doesn’t seem to work, best catches are still coming from the east bank which sits just under the trees, lads fishing at the deep area down at the boat jetties have not faired as well as those that have gone to the far end however Mr T Stevenson Dumfermilne using a yellow humpy, fishing from the bank had 3 for 6lbs and returned 6 commenting that this had been his best day ever while Messrs Cox and Burnett Dundee had as equally good time with 7 in the boat and a number returned, this past week has had some windy days and seen people struggle with the boats however some managed extremely well and had a great day one such lad was Billy Hammond, Newcastle, on holiday for a week and trying to fish as many places as he could manage, with the wind howling Billy started from the bank and caught 3 then during a quieter spell took a boat up to the far end and in the shelter of the reeds caught 6 more however the wind picked up again and on deciding that it was getting just a tad dangerous he gave up tremendous fishing was his comment.
To book a boat or a place phone on 01337840412 or email to info@goldenloch.co.uk
Yours sincerely: John Nicol. Goldenloch.