This is the story so far Monday Night and an update, firstly thanks for all the calls of support and emails didn’t realise that so many people were as angry about this, words are just about not able to describe the mess, firstly, the loch Sunday early am saw fish dying and we all thought
Monthly Archives: September 2006
Week ending 18/sept/06 goldenloch Sunday Morning saw early morning fishers faced with fish gasping for oxygen, we couldn’t understand what was happening and assumed it must be something to do with the Algae that had been giving us a few problems earlier in the week, could it be turning toxic?, early oxygen tests showed levels
Week ending 11/sept/06 goldenloch Anglers at the Goldenloch have had a superb weekends fishing, The 15 lads from Dundee, Discovery Club all getting their maximum 4 fish they had a total bag of 60 for 94lbs and the Jocks from Ballingry managing to get 4 each for a total of 17lbs, the water is still
Week ending 04/sept/06 goldenloch At the Goldenloch some anglers have been getting excellent results whilst others have found the conditions really hard, bright sunshine for the last week has meant that the Algae has not burnt itself out but it has maintained its colour, and we missed most of the rain that fell last weekend,