Week ending 21/sept/06 goldenloch
The fish arrived at 3pm as arranged and as they were slightly larger than I had expected, there were 400, after putting them into the water they all disappeared quickly as usual, it was a nice feeling to see the loch slowly come back to life, within an hour they were covering all parts with the occasional fish jumping out the water, mostly however you could see the bow waves as the water was flat calm, Mike Aitken, Ladybank and Amanda, Glenrothes arrived and fished for a couple of hours after explaining to them that the Department of Environment will not allow any fish to be removed for consumption for at least a week they were quite happy about this, as new stockies it will be a couple of days before they behave normally and really take an interest in flies however Mike had 1 using a diawl bach at approx 1.75lbs and was more than happy, the water is clear and at 17 degrees o2 is now 9 ppm on my scale which seems to be different to SEPAs measuring but as I have been using mine for 10 years I will stick with it. The plan is that next week a repeat load of fish will go in so long as these ones are OK and then I will put in 30 odd around the 5 to 6 lbs and a shed load of 6 to 8 inch brownies this would bring the loch back to a reasonable stock which will be my bench stocking.
To book a boat or a place phone on 01337840412 or email to info@goldenloch.co.uk
Yours sincerely: John Nicol. Goldenloch.