Week ending 14/aug/06 goldenloch
Anglers at the Goldenloch will remember 2006 for a long time, the year that the water level just kept on dropping, its now 14 weeks since we last had any decent rain fall, it will however also be remembered as the year when a particular fly pattern which was being used one day successfully would have absolutely no effect the next day, and will also be remembered as the year when everyone just enjoyed there days fishing and catching trout in amongst the huge number of rising fish. Early morning anglers P Greg, and G Andrew, both from Dundee alongside Pete Fleming, Methil and G Dempster, Tayport, had a great mornings fishing with several fish caught, however all reported that they should have had much bigger catches as they had lost loads and had numerous offers, In the evening J and I Burns, Glenrothes using Soldier Palmers and Diawl bachs had 5 for 12lbs and again reported that they had a large amount of offers and missed fish, Sunday morning saw Derek Bell Newburgh start early with 2 for 5lbs Derek was using CDC Buzzers and as usual fished from the bank in his very relaxed style only covering the fish that seem interested with loads of follows and offers a great days sport was had. The low water level is causing a few problems in that anglers keep grounding the boats on the banks that were put in place back in 1985 when the fish resting ledges were formed on the loch bed, for the first time since then these areas are now becoming exposed, but with crystal clear water and no weeds to catch hooks on the loch in general is fishing well.
To book a boat or a place phone on 01337840412 or email to info@goldenloch.co.uk
Yours sincerely: John Nicol. Goldenloch.