Week ending 19/02/06 goldenloch
Mid February is probably the hardest time of the year to go fly fishing! Apart from the lack of fly life for the fish to see and catch, the anglers themselves have to be well wrapped up, combating the cold; this limits their ability to be agile, but it does however keep them warm. For those fishing at the Goldenloch this last week it has been bitterly cold, yet everyone has done very well, the fish are still well down and seem to be in two distinct shoals, rainbows and browns and it has been noted that nearly everyone has commented on the fact that they have been getting lots of nibbles and tugs on their lines, could it be that the heavy garments that are being worn are numbing the anglers ability to strike or is it that the fish are just playing with the flies, a large number of brown trout have also been getting caught lately all around the 2.5lb mark and all returned waiting on that magical day, then they will hide for another 6 months, we are however putting several hundred brownies in during 2006 giving the Goldenloch a new dimension for sport fishing. Mr G Connel, Dollar and Mr T Tobias, Falkirk both fishing from the bank on a wet cold day had 5 fish each all returned these lads caught most from the first and second jetties using cats and damsels, Steve McCarthy, Lochore on an early morning start had 4 using a silver and black Fritz.
To book a boat or a place phone on 01337840412 or email to info@goldenloch.co.uk
Yours sincerely: John Nicol. Goldenloch.