Week ending 28/12/05 goldenloch Again a very cold week at the Goldenloch, however fish are still being caught but anglers are finding it a lot harder to find them, especially when half the loch is covered with ice, Mr Bob Cox Dundee fishing with Ged Burnett found that by using a floating line and a
Monthly Archives: December 2005
Week ending 19/12/05 goldenloch A very cold week at the Goldenloch so cold that one angler was having to break the ice from his rod every time he was pulling his line in, but he still managed to catch 4 fish which were all returned, Bob Cox, Dundee was another that caught 4, he was
Week ending 12/12/05 goldenloch With all anglers at the Goldenloch getting maximum catches this last week it has to be said that the fishing is superb, every angler enjoying themselves, boat or bank, it made no difference, the fish seem to be feeding on the shrimp and small blood worms that are abundant in the
Week ending 05/12/05 goldenloch December arrived at the Goldenloch with flat calm and gorgeous warm weather, but best of all was the rising fish that greeted anglers, the loch was speckled with rings as if it was a May evening, however it was quite difficult to find what the fish were after, and some trial