Week ending 21/11/05 goldenloch
Hard frost and no wind meant that the Goldenloch froze over very quickly on Thursday night and with each nights frost the ice just got thicker, as of to-day Monday 21st it seems to be melting but very slowly, however good catches last week were by John Callison ( Jnr ), Coalton of Balgonie, 3 for 7lbs with several returned, John who always likes to try as many different flies as he can, commented that this time it didn’t really matter what fly he used, he caught fish, Mr W Mathers and Mr C Mitchell both Dundee had a great day with both lads getting many offers and finally settling for 6 at 20lbs. Mr A Grieson, St Andrews had 3 for 6lbs and returned 3 using a black buzzer, his fish were all caught mid to the far end of the loch. Best endeavour of the week has to go to Mr James Harvey and William Ramsey, Perth, both lads having spent hours breaking the ice to clear an area, and then using black buzzers caught 5 for 18lbs in about 10 mins, just as well as the ice very quickly refroze the area that they had cleared, on eventually reaching dry land the two exhausted lads commented that they both had enjoyed their brief fishing spell and that they would do same all over again.
Bookings are being taken for the season by phone on 01337840412 or email to info@goldenloch.co.uk
Yours sincerely: John Nicol. Goldenloch.