Week ending 23/10/05 goldenloch
With this years early arrival of the wintry weather at the Goldenloch anglers are delighted that the fishing is still excellent, every angler in the past two weeks has caught and returned maximum catches and the fight and speed of the fish is giving great sport to all, Mr T Diggan, Kinglassie using a silver butcher had 3 for 10lbs returning 6 all from the bank, Mr Brian Stewart, Dundee fishing for a couple of hours had 6 all returned, stating that there was not one under 3lbs, he was using a very small Black Daddy, every fish was feeding, something on or just under the surface, With the brown trout season now over, the usual situation arises in that many start to be caught, this week has been no exception with at least 20+ being reported Mr S Hughes, Leslie caught 3 rainbows for 8lbs and returned 2, 2lb brownies and some rainbows all caught on a yellow dancer, in the heavy rain, late on Sunday afternoon, Mr D Stewart and friend Mr J Gray both from Glasgow had the loch all to themselves, with not much wind, they were able to drift and enjoy the sport both lads had a great days fishing and left with 6 fish all around the 2lb mark.
Bookings are being taken for the season by phone on 01337840412 or email to info@goldenloch.co.uk
Yours sincerely: John Nicol. Goldenloch.