Week ending 17/10/05 goldenloch
Fishing at the Goldenloch has now due to the much colder weather moved into top gear, the fish are moving very fast and are taking flies at high speeds, all anglers have reported that during the past week there is good fish movement on the surface in all parts of the loch, as this is the beginning of the lure season we would have expected most of the recorded catches to be on Cats Whiskers and Fritz, but no, nearly everything has been on Diawl Bachs and Buzzers, Mr Steve Smart, Strathmiglo had his best days fishing for a long time with 1 at 4lbs in the many caught and loads of offers and tugs, Steve just enjoyed his peaceful time all from the bank, Mrs Audrey Brown fishing with her husband Jim, Cupar had 3 for 7lbs with Audrey getting hers on a Viva again all from the bank, Sunday saw the boats covering all the loch and catching fish, Bobby Cox, Dundee with Ged Burnett did very well returning 6 for 17lbs and Mr J Scott, Kirkcaldy getting 3 for 6lbs using a Red/Black Buzzer. Since August when the water cleared after the algae bloom the fishing has changed dramatically and it is an observation that the rises which normally you could have set your watch too, are just not happening regularly, instead we have fish actively feeding all day, is this an indication of what is happening due to the warming atmosphere?
Bookings are being taken for the season by phone on 01337840412 or email to info@goldenloch.co.uk
Yours sincerely: John Nicol. Goldenloch.