Week ending 12/09/05 goldenloch
Conditions at the Goldenloch are now back to what the should be after a long hot summer, the algae problem has gone and anglers are being treated to an abundant quantity of fish and fly life, in the past week on the top fishing has put big smiles on many faces with some lads getting results on using dry flies for the first time, Stephen Gibson with his father fishing for the very first time had 3 for 5.5lbs all from the middle jetty using a Diawl Bach, Bob Cox from Dundee who was teaching them had 3 for 8lbs using a shipman’s buzzer, Mr R Kopczyk Kilmany had 3 for 5lbs returning 3 on a Black Penal, Last week saw the return of good evening rises and fish are really active on the surface from about 7, this we can assume is the fish feeding hard for winter however most days see the fish feeding all the time, early morning Mr Jim Young had a few and was joined by the lads from Strathmiglo AC who had a great day with 18 fish for 30lbs Messrs B Donald and R Wright from Milton had a very pleasant day on Sunday getting 5 and returning a few comments were excellent and hard fighting both lads having a great time.