Week ending 28/12/04 goldenloch
With this the last weeks fishing of the season 2004 at the Goldenloch, Anglers have not been disappointed, the Dundee plumbers yesterday had 4 each for 18lbs using floating lines and Diawl Bachs and it was a great day until about 3pm when the wind suddenly picked up and spoilt everything also on the loch was Jim Brown, Perth who had caught his first ever Blue trout of approx 4lbs not to sure weather it was out of season he put it back only to find out that he could have kept it, still with 2 in the bag for 5lbs he was pleased with his day. Frost saw the loch frozen on two days but other than that the only other problem is high winds, CCTV is now being installed, not for spying on anglers as some have already suggested, but for safety reasons as it is nearly impossible to watch the entire loch all the time, at least when the more elderly anglers are fishing, you will have the comfort of knowing that when the oars fall out the boat you will not have to spend 3 hours waiting till someone notices you.