Week ending 20/12/04 goldenloch
With this seasons success of the introduction of a large quantity of brownies at the Goldenloch anglers can look forward to the season 2005 and the ability to take these excellent fish home in their bag, however with the recent stocking of even more we are asking that any fish under 25cm or 10 inches be returned to the water to grow a bit more. With the current health and safety regulations anglers are also reminded that suitable clothing and buoyancy jackets must be worn at all times, we provide, but its up to the angler to wear them, for this new season we would also prefer that anglers use our nets for landing your catches, this to help stop the spread of Argulus that is currently spreading in Central Scotland, This week however the hardy lads are still turning up and Mr James Robertson and friend Bathgate had 6 for 14lbs using a green Fritz also fishing at the same time was father and son Mr Billy Folin, St Andrews, from the jetties and the bank using a Yellow Dancer caught 5 with the heaviest at 4lbs also on the bank on what had to be the windiest day for a long time the pensioners from Spittalfield had a great time, an unknown quantity of fish were caught and returned and the lads had big smiles on their faces as they left so we can assume that they were happy