Week ending 28/12/04 goldenloch With this the last weeks fishing of the season 2004 at the Goldenloch, Anglers have not been disappointed, the Dundee plumbers yesterday had 4 each for 18lbs using floating lines and Diawl Bachs and it was a great day until about 3pm when the wind suddenly picked up and spoilt everything
Monthly Archives: December 2004
Week ending 20/12/04 goldenloch With this seasons success of the introduction of a large quantity of brownies at the Goldenloch anglers can look forward to the season 2005 and the ability to take these excellent fish home in their bag, however with the recent stocking of even more we are asking that any fish under
Week ending 13/12/04 goldenloch, getting fish December at the Goldenloch can be interesting with sometimes really warm days ending in cold afternoons and nights or the other way round, whichever way, the fish seem to be getting caught easiest during the warmer spells, Mr Nellie, Coaltown arriving late struggled to get his 3 for 7lbs
Week ending 06/12/04 goldenloch, bigger catches again Anglers have at the Goldenloch this past week, due to the much colder weather, changed their tactics from fishing on the surface or just under it, to using lures and fishing on or near the bottom of the loch, some lads have been getting really good results and