The vicars knickers is the one to have
At the Goldenloch water temperatures have dropped by 5 degrees and with our change of water courtesy of the hurricanes, the fishing has only just got better, most lads are now achieving full catches with only the novice or beginners struggling, dry flies are now not working as well as they were, but this could be due to the fact that there has not been a calm day for over 2 weeks, muddlers and buzzer combinations seem to be working well as are diawl bachs and Kate McLarens, Mr Billy McLaughlin, Glenrothes, using PTN Nymphs and a black spider managed 3 for 6+ lbs and returned 5 all from the far end of the loch and dropped loads of fish as they were very eager to take his flies, Kevin Butcher Kirkcaldy arriving late had 3 for 6.5lbs returning 2, using Diawl bachs and a white muddler, a pattern now being adopted by quite a few anglers, Messer’s T Craig and M Hayes, Glenrothes had a very useful afternoon using hoppers on one of the few quite spells we have had caught 3 each for a total weight of 12 lbs, both lads had a great time and really enjoyed the sport, Bank anglers have not been so fortunate this past week as the fish have been more in the west and top end due to the wind direction however when they get it good it all happens at once Mr Fred Evans, Edinburgh had 3 for 8lbs and returned 6 using his own variation of a Clyde river fly, called the Vicars Knickers, this small ( size 18 ) purple body with black short wings tipped with a white edges could either float or be just under the surface and acted like an attracter, it worked really well and was fantastic fun as the bow waves came from all directions, 20 are now on order.