Happy, calm and cold
All happy at the Goldenloch this weekend, with the weather calm but cold, the fish were deeper but still moving not nearly as many as on Friday when the day felt distinctly like an early summers day, the now favoured consett budgie seemed to be the fly that was the favourite, yet catches were being made on damsels and diawl bachs, and one angler having 9 using only size 14 CDC Dry Fly’s, Mr C Neville, Cupar had 3 for 7.5lbs using diawl bachs he was on the loch early and commented that it was very active on the surface till about 11 when the sun got really bright and Mr Neil Aitkin, Kirkcaldy with Mr Andy Wilson, Kinross both getting bagged up quite quickly with 16lbs of fish released 5 to fight another day using damsels and wet flies, Mr J McLean, Dundee who was late in starting to fish found that the water became very active again around about 5pm although it was very cold the fish were moving around the margins and near the boat jetty using a budgie he had 3 for 7lbs Mr John Hatton, Kirkcaldy was very pleased with his catch of 7 all from the boat jetty using a yellow dancer he returned all as he still has a freezer full of last years fish, and Mr Alec Wilson Glenrothes, using a mini fritz had 3 for 9lbs 10oz , great day, was his comments but wishing the weather would just warm a little as it was very cold on the fingers, anglers are advised to phone and book for weekends now the weather seems to be warming.