Week ending 16/01/06 goldenloch
Mid January fly fishing, would hardly ever have been heard of 20 years ago, but now because of much better designed and insulated clothing, anglers can wrap up and enjoy their sport all year round, some however still hope that the days will warm up and make a day that is comfortable, or as in the case on Sunday the opposite happens and a strong wind made the day bitterly cold, for some that endured that weather it was well worth it, Ray Easton, Bankfoot had a great days fishing, using Black and Green flies of all variations, Ray had one of his best days ever, another was Allan Montgomery who had 3 for 8lbs and returned 4 using a Dawson’s Olive, fishing from the bank Mr R Hume, High Valleyfield returning 4 using an Olive Damsel and Mr B Miekle, Pitlessie caught 1 for 2.5 lbs and returned a few using green and black, Dave Morgan, Gateside, again from the bank had 2 for 10lbs, During the week the Spittalfield youth club consisting of Messrs, Nesmith, Brown and McClusky had what has to have been one of their best days ever with 18 fish caught between them, and all on a relatively wind free day, the lads commenting that every time a small breeze blew the fish just started jumping.
The average catch per angler since 01/01/06 is 5
To book a boat or a place phone on 01337840412 or email to info@goldenloch.co.uk
Yours sincerely: John Nicol. Goldenloch.