Been waiting all day on storm Doris, she really must have got lost, I once new a girl called Doris and she was a proper mutter, we had a flurry of snow this morning then heavy rain, followed by a pretty amazing day, the water in the loch is now gin crystal clear and well rested from the bad spell of the East wind that caused all the he haw, Colin fishing today had 8 and every one a cracker and 4 were well over 3/ 4 lbs now these fish are not protein pigs but have genuinely been in there for a long time their tails are strong as are the wrist, that’s what I was told the bit between the tail and the body is, looking forward I am hoping for a nice warm March, the ground here is back to mucky with today’s rain but it was drying nicely, the digger picture is us making a bigger harder bit so as to enable all year vehicle access.
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