Week ending 14/11/05 goldenloch
Everyone was a winner this past week at the Goldenloch whether it was boat or bank, lures or flies, after three days of very wild, wind and rain the weather broke and calm, mild temperatures came back, the fish responded by showing themselves in huge numbers, most of this summers the best catches have been at the far end of the loch and at the north end of the bank, but now the fish seem to be at the boat jetty end and the corner nearest the farmhouse, Mr P Bridges, Valleyfield and W Clarison, Dunblane had 4 each returning 2 each using Fritz and Buzzers, both lads enjoying fish striking hard, Mr Ray Easton Bankfoot fishing from the bank using Diawl Bachs, had 7 all returned, and Mr Allan Montgomery, Bankfoot had 3 for 9lbs returning quite a few using the same fly, Mr Davie Bell, Kirkcaldy on a day ticket had 4 cracking fish for 9lbs as did Bob Cox and Jed Burnett both from Dundee, who couldn’t do anything wrong all day and just caught fish wherever they went. Nearly every angler fishing in the past couple of weeks have commented on the huge amount of feeding in the water from shrimp to daphnia and on lifting the anchors the massive amount of bloodworm present in the attached soil, what does it mean any suggestions please tell us on info@goldenloch.co.uk .
Bookings are being taken for the season by phone on 01337840412 or email to info@goldenloch.co.uk
Yours sincerely: John Nicol. Goldenloch.