Week ending 05/09/05 goldenloch
At the Goldenloch fishing has more or less returned to normal or as normal as could be this year, Mr James Crombie from Melrose who really only enjoys his sport when catching using only dry flies had a great day on Tuesday, starting at the top of the loch he had 4 brownies all returned then after lunch went on to catch 3 rainbows for 14lbs with his best at 8lbs all on flies that were size 16 or smaller, Mario Polese, Lady bank had 2 for 5 lbs but lost 5 Mario was just a tad angry at having losing a few but still had a great day, Mr Imrie Glenrothes had 3 and returned 3 with his best at 5.75lbs. On Saturday morning a really heavy mist covered the loch till 10am and the anglers were covering water where they could only hear the splashes Jim Horsburgh, Kirkcaldy in these conditions caught 3 and returned 3 using a damsel he then was surprised when the mist suddenly lifted to see 5 other anglers on the water as he had thought he was alone they too were having a good day with Jim Young Glenrothes returning 7. Mr D Stewart from Glasgow was another angler having a good time using dry flies having tried wets and lures to no success he then went on to catch 3 and returned a few.
All Anglers are reminded to dip their nets and motors in the disinfectant dip which is beside the entrance to the loch, we are doing everything we can possibly do to make sure you have an enjoyable day don’t spoil it for other by infecting the water with parasites from other lochs.