Week ending 22/08/05 goldenloch
Another week of intense sunshine at the Goldenloch is still keeping the fish deeper down and well hidden, however the cooler evenings is allowing the water temperature to drop slightly, heavy rain is now required to liven up the fishing, and is forecast for this week, catches are still reasonable with most anglers getting fish, this week has seen several large fish that are well finned and weighing in at around 4 and 5 lbs, Mr Hyndman, Muirhead using a hopper had 2 for 7lbs 12 oz with 1 at 5lbs, Mr G Melville Cupar fishing from the bank using a blue dun caught a nice 5 lb 3 oz fish during the brightest part of the day and B Pitcairn and D Reddie both from Halbeath had a great day using Diawl Bachs had 3 each returning a few to fight again, B Baillie, Glenrothes, on a day ticket had 4 for 11lbs using a hares ear, Mr B Imrie Glenrothes having one of his best days caught 3 for 5lbs then went on to catch 1 at 5lbs and another at approx 6lbs returning both, complete novice Mr J Goodison, from Perth fishing with his father caught 2 for 4.5 lbs and was well pleased with his evenings sport.
Bookings are being taken for the season by phone on 01337840412 or email to info@goldenloch.co.uk