Goldenloch june 20th –week 25-2016
June 20th –Week 25-2016
So today is the longest day, it is week 25, in my fishing diary, we are half way through the year, so far I have bought the same amount of fish this year than was bought last year and this week sees another large load of fish from Westmill, who I must say are excelling themselves not only on delivery and quality but also on customer care and happy to freely give advice on fish health, having dealt with them now for nearly 20 years in various guises, I would strongly recommend them to all fisheries, the fish being caught in the last few days have not been fish from the surface but more interestingly have come for the flies that are on the surface, they are coming from deeper below and take the fly as they shoot out the water, its spectacular fishing, Greg Watson returned on Saturday night with a new partner, and bettering his fishing session of the previous night when with his brother had an amazing amount of fish all from the surface, on Saturday the fishing was equally as exciting and interestingly, some much bigger fish were caught, fish that were 4 to 6 lbs all with rich colouring and fully finned, as regulars will be aware we never stock fish over a kilo (2.2lbs) which means that the fish currently being caught are at least 1 or even 2 years old and these fish have been eating the best of bugs, blood worms but more interestingly shrimps of which there are a huge abundance, it is these shrimp that give the rich red / pink colour to the fish something that we are very proud of here at the Goldenloch, some days lately have proven to be a bit harder and this can mostly be attributed to the weather but and the sudden cold spell that came after a long warm spell, the water level was a big gain and the clarity of the water is amazing, weed pulling is commencing this week in the worst areas, it is noted that without the grass carp the weed has grown exponentially, a little bit of luck for one chap, was while fishing from the bank and doing very well, 6 fish, 5 returned keeping 1, which had an old tag in it from 2 years ago, the tag was a prize of a summer season ticket, which he declined opting for my offer of a few free sessions every time he was back in Scotland, super happy he then told me that at his local fishery just outside London, its £65 for a 4 hour Catch and Release ticket, with no kill at all, and that you would be lucky if you caught more than 2 on any one visit as the fish are all hook shy, but worse than that the fish are fed twice a day by pellets.
Enjoy a good days fishing then visit us @ the Goldenloch, fly fishing a field sport, or visit or our fb goldenlochfishing