Goldenloch jan-25th–week 04-2016
Jan-25th–Week 04-2016
Weather wise its been a nice weekend, well nice / ish, the warmth of the feeble sun does get out for a brief moment and the fish respond, mind you anglers have got to be quick it doesn’t last very long, Thursday nights rapid melt must have warmed up the water a little as the fishing was definitely a lot better on Friday, 8 anglers fishing and total return for the day was 12, pretty good for the third week in January after a heavy frost this continued into Saturday and although it was a mush wetter day, George Duff, Methil had a fantastic afternoon, George a real traditional old fashioned type of angler was catching using a floating line with a sink tip and Diawl Bachs, what made it for him was that he was getting great chases, the fish were coming from deep down and chasing his fly in the water, with the water crystal clear and a good pair of Polaroid’s, the light just right, he could see everything just as if the water wasn’t there, its good when something like that happens and its just another experience to add to the memory bank, something new and that’s what’s great about fishing, every trip and every day is different, a different set of natures rules, conditions making going fishing one of life’s most rewarding sports, Yesterday continued well with an early angler Bob Mitchell getting 5 four rainbows and a Brown trout, Bob gets here nice and early catches a few fish and then has the rest of the day when most people are just getting up, it was a nice morning about 10 degrees outside with just a small breeze, other anglers latter in the day didn’t catch as many but it did get decidedly colder as the day progressed.
To Book for Fishing, Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email or visit or our fb goldenlochfishing