Goldenloch june-29th–week 23-2015
How things change, so quick, a week ago the water was really clear, in fact last Tuesday a couple of anglers commented that the water was looking great, and how they could see everything, and that the fish were easily spotted, the next morning John and his buddy arrived and whilst across at a boat hailed me asking when the water turned green, I commented it hadn’t, that was before I looked at it, thankfully it hasn’t affected the fishing at all, well anyways not yet, anglers have had in the passed week some really good fishing, catches have been really good and the fish size excellent, loads of fish about the 3 lbs mark, so why has the water gone green, basically we have no weed at all {none} (without weeds to use up the nutrients the algal bloom kicks in ) and personally I think what has happened is that during the winter, the carp that were introduced last spring have eaten everything, I mean everything, then because of the really long cold spring that we have had, the young green weed stems as soon as they popped up have been eaten and now there is no grass weed, none, without weeds the nutrients that get flushed in from the fields just feed the algae and hay ho, we get an algal bloom, it can go two ways it can either run its course and disappear or it can get really thick and then crash, which generally is bad news for the fish. But for the moment we have it and we have to just run with it, the fishing is exceptional just now, even with the algae, the most important thing is that anglers are having a really good time, a few campers have been here over the past weeks and enjoyed some midnight fishing, School visits and youth groups are enjoying there visits and time here, I think it would be fair to say that we have given quite a few young / new anglers a boost by providing them with equipment and flies all because of the generosity of the angling community, today Monday 29th June we have a school group of perhaps 12 coming, I am writing this whilst awaiting their arrival, its Waid Academy they are long time clients, and the teacher who brings them is himself a keen angler I don’t know where but I know he fishes a lot. For other schools if you are reading this if interested please just call or email.
To Book for Fishing, Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email or visit or our fb goldenlochfishing