Beginner competition
Last Sunday 7th April saw the first of a few planned beginner less experienced fisher competition and it wasn’t really the best of days the 8 am weather girl I think on channel 5 actually said “for all those thinking on going fishing today you would be better going shopping due to the bitter cold front that was about to hit the UK” anyway we had 8 turn up and with everyone suitable decked out we started at 10am but by that time it really had turned cold and Iain Judd, a keen angler but not really expecting the biting wind to get into his fingers was quick to come to the bothy for a brew basically warming his hands, Iain who has only recently taken up the sport has still to catch his first fish, the day before fishing albeit in a 10+ degree warmer day everyone was catching loads making it look easy and with Iain visiting he must have been lulled by the prospect of catching fish but we all know its not like that, Lunch was provided BBQ and enjoyed by all and back to fish for another couple of hours, with Tam Brown adjudicating, points were being awarded for sportsmanship, handling of the fish, any fish returned etc of course points could be deducted for indiscretions, but fortunately there were none to speak of, anyway it was a very cold day, we had a winner Iain, who not only was well deserving champ but the only guy that caught two fish, second was Willie and Third equal was I am pretty sure Bob and Andy, now we have no second names, nor catches as Tam failed to write them in the book, but he does state that Andy has a good movement and that Allan was by far the best a catching grass, a good day was had by all but I think we will wait till the sun comes out before the next one