Goldenloch february 18 / 2013 week 06
For most the past few days at the Goldenloch, have been good with some having there best day ever, some having a great day, some not doing as well as they thought they would, and two guys who probably had their worst day ever, the weather on Saturday morning was nearly perfect for fishing and first to arrive was Sandy from Kingskettle, Sandy only really likes fishing in the summer with dry flies but has recently started fishing with a sinking tip and has tied up a few green and black wet flies with a small gold bead, he likes to fish in a boat at the far end of the loch where the water is nearly always crystal clear, its not overly deep there, and he says he can usually see when the fish are going to take, on Saturday, he just went straight into catching fish and had two within minutes, so as to be able to enjoy a full day he then started fishing with small dry flies and caught a further six, commenting that there was fly hatches but that the flies were incredibly small, other lads fishing at the same time were finding it much more difficult as they were using bright lures, however some were getting fish on tadpoles, especially if there was a bit of green in them, most of the fish caught on Saturday were caught between 10 and 2 pm however with a couple of lads still on the water about 5pm it was noticed that the fish started to rise and were taking of the surface, this happened again on Sunday with three lads all getting two fish each in the last half hour before it became to dark as to be able to see anything, Sunday was just as interesting a day as Saturday, however I never saw them but was informed that there were two lads that had not caught anything, and that they were a bit upset when they left, perhaps it was that some others on the water were doing much better, especially the first time visitor who has only started fly fishing and fly tying, he caught six all from the bank using his own home tied fly, well done the one thing about fishing is that there are really no reasons for what happens however it is still cold and the sun although out isn’t really warming anything.
To Book for Fishing, Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email