Goldenloch may 07 / 2012 week 19
It’s been another week of weed pulling or rather Algae scooping, with the warm weather we had a month ago it made the blanket weed or by its Latin name Spirogyra adnate, bubble and rise to the surface, the affect is that we have an unsightly and annoying lumps of algae floating on the surface with some days being a lot worse than others, this is mostly around the area where we have our natural lilies’ growing, large areas of the loch remain unaffected and the fishing still remains good with anglers getting catches albeit they are having to use brighter coloured flies as we are basically stirring up a lot of debris from the loch floor this coupled with the huge rainfall that leeched in the fertiliser from the neighbouring fields which saw the phosphate and nitrogen level in the loch increase making the problem we have just get bigger, hopefully this week should see a lot return to normal and get the water back to being clear, but anglers are still catching fish and that’s important some chaps have done extremely well Jim Hargreaves and Eric Bridle, visiting from Aberdeen had 16 between them using buzzers and Diawl bachs, both lads returning all said that they had caught steadily all day, and that most of the fish were 2 to 3 lbs with 1 at approx 7, Tom Drysdale, Pittenweem had 8 on very small dries, as this is first real seasons fishing and he is only concentrating on using his own tiny home tied flies which are all on a size 22 hook, with plenty to use he just enjoyed a rather bright day, stocking is still as normal with fish arriving this week the fishing next weekend should be pretty good.
To Book for Fishing, Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email or visit or our fb goldenlochfishing