Goldenloch november 07/11/2011
At the Goldenloch the first few days of November were amazing, probably warmer than some of the days in August, and the fishing on those days was excellent with some lads getting really big catches and some big fish, Allan Fraser, Dundee had 8, C & R using dry flies and buzzers while his boat partner Sandy had a cracker at 11 lbs and put back 5, however Friday night saw 2 degrees of frost and a heavy rhyme over the loch, this having the effect of putting the fish deep down on Saturday making the fishing much harder and things didn’t really pick up till late in the day, as it took a while for the water to warm up, Don Stewart Glasgow and John Grey Auchtermuchty were the only ones late enough to get the benefit catching 5 each, Sunday was more or less a carbon copy of Saturday and with only a couple of fish caught by 10am things were not looking so good however as the day progressed, the fish started to move and most that were still fishing left with a couple of fish, Hamish Anderson from Stonehaven arrived late and fished for about an hour catching 3 using Diawl Bachs, fishing is very unpredictable at this time of year and for those that persevere it can be very rewarding as the water in the loch drops in temperature, the fish have to re acclimatise themselves to the much colder environment, and it is definitely more apparent that they rise to the warmer surface water later in the day, probably just to find any food that is about.
To Book for Fishing, Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email or visit