Goldenloch march -21-11
This last week at the Goldenloch has seen the fishing have a reasonable improvement over the previous two weeks, but that wouldn’t have been that hard to achieve what with the appalling weather then, the fishing is definitely much better now in the afternoon as it takes till then for the wind to drop and the water to warm up a little, with the morning temperatures’ hovering around the 8~9 degrees and a reasonable wind its easy to see why some people were finding it hard to catch fish, however some guys just come onto the loch and catch 8 or 9 fish quite easily or at least that’s how it looks, this morning, Monday, seems to be starting this week of much better, as the air temperature is 16 degrees with just a gentle breeze, catches over the last week have been averaging out at about 2 fish per person which considering the conditions was not that bad, With another load of fish due this week it takes the stocking well above what we would normally have for this time of year, this we have been able to achieve due to the abnormally high levels of natural feeding available for the fish, it has been noted by several anglers that the fish are feeding and have their bellies full of a particular freshwater shrimp, a shrimp that seems to be very well suited to the muskgrass that coverers the loch floor, on examination of this flora there seems to be huge signs of many different types of bloodworms stone fly grubs etc it may be with all this early grub life that we will have a really good fly season this year.
To Book for Fishing Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email or visit