Goldenloch apr-19-10
This last week at the Goldenloch has seen the weather revert back to a windy winter type of cold with the knock on effect that the fish are back lower down lower in the water, however the average day time temperature is much higher than it was a month ago, its not that the fishing has got hard its just that anglers are really having to think about how to get the fish, which are cruising about just on top of the weeds or from the top down about eighteen inches to two feet down, these are the ones that are taking whatever is tasty at that depth, as they are the ones that are feeding, the fish that are showing on the surface just seem to be having a look or are only interested in a certain type of buzzer, that only seems to hatch at 8am or 6pm, with the wind predominately coming from the west most of the fish if not nearly all are getting caught at the boat jetty end of the loch giving a near traffic jam effect with boats going out and in, it seems that when writing this report that every one visiting is getting great catches this however is not the case and its only the most outstanding catches that have been getting reported, what I will say however is that we have had in the last two weeks a really large number of first time anglers and a larger that normal amount of dads with sons or daughters, its been hard for them when its not really warm weather and I am sure I speak for other fisheries as well, please don’t give up at your first attempt it does get much more interesting when there is no wind and it is a tad warmer, we do not charge for beginners and do offer assistance to help you get started as it can be a little confusing, ladies are welcome at the Goldenloch and we have now got a changing room / toilet facility, lets just hope for some nice weather now.
To Book for Fishing Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email or visit