Goldenloch nov 16-10-09
This last week at the Goldenloch has been a really good one for anglers, my prediction a week ago that winter had started couldn’t have been worse and in the last few days we have had flat calm gorgeous weather positively warm, and this in turn made the fish come up to feed, so all in all I could not have been more wrong about what was going to happen, for those that weren’t put off fishing they all had really good fishing and most bagged up and returned a few, A Drummond, Kettle had 3 for 7lbs and returned 4 using a Kate McLaren, Joe Hamley and his partner Julie Storrar from Canada who found us by accident came back and had a superb days fishing, they started early and caught quick, then they missed the middle part of the day in going for lunch coming back to finish with a good few fish around about the 4 to 5 pm time, this seems to be when the fish are at their most active just now and even yesterday 3 lads from Pittenweem arrived at 4 and by 5 had all caught fish stating that there were loads moving, it is however quite cold at that time, Don Morris Kirkcaldy using orange and white flies had 2 for 5.5lbs returning 2 and Ray Eastwood Bankfoot returned 2 large fish which were caught using a blood worm.
To Book for Fishing Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email