Goldenloch 04/05/2009
Well another interesting week mostly dominated by the weather conditions which can be best described as deplorable, but the fishing for everyone has been pretty good, I cant think of anyone in the past week that has blanked, Oops yes there was one, sorry Jim had to say it but he still had a great day as he lost a few and had several tugs and pulls, Allan Gibson Bridge of Earn, did really well on Thursday past landing a 7 lb rainbow as did the lads from Bonnyrig, Mid Lothian who had a great day catching and releasing everything they caught, with several fish in and around the 3, 4 lb mark, definitely the best fly just now seems to be Diawl Bachs with the red one in particular being the colour that the fish fancy, buzzers however have been getting good results and several anglers have had rally good fishing using just small dark buzzers, R Dick, Kirkcaldy had 2 for 5lbs with 4 returned using diawl bachs, Derek Bell, Newburgh who is having a particularly good season this year managed to catch another 8 using buzzers Derek who went through a bad patch in his fishing to-wards the end of last season is definitely enjoying his fishing this year with 6 or 7 being his average catch, Trevor Paterson fishing from the bank had an interesting day with loads of offers and fish moving all around him he caught and returned 9, Trevor was using an Orange Dancer, The Osprey is now starting to be a real pest as it swoops down damaging the fish, yesterday several fish were washed up on the shore with massive injuries to them, if this bird population is allowed to get bigger to the extent that we will see them as a common occurrence who is going to be feeding them each bird can easily hurt or kill several fish per day, only a week ago we had three here on a feeding spree and between them they had attacked and hurt a lot of fish for only one of them to actually carry of a fish.
To Book for Fishing Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email