Goldenloch 20/04/2009
Its been a really good weeks fishing at the Goldenloch, with every angler enjoying their days sport, this week has seen several beginners and youngsters fishing for the first time and most of them have all caught a fish or two, with the bank angling being really good, anglers were getting loads of offers and takes from every jetty, however as the week progressed the weather changed and it became a little bit cooler which seemed to have the effect of moving the fish more into the loch benefitting the boys in the boats, At the Goldenloch we try hard to provide a venue so as you the angler can come and enjoy their favoured sport, fly fishing, it was a little bit spoilt however yesterday, Sunday, by some idiot who we think tipped maggots into the water at a certain place, the effect was that as the day progressed all the fish from all over the loch ended up at this particular spot and by early evening their wasn’t a fish left anywhere else, how do we know, well for a start it was pretty obvious that this one spot contained hundreds of fish, there were no fish moving anywhere else on the loch, also a fish was caught that contained meat maggots, the whole concept of fishing at the Goldenloch is for anglers to enjoy their day and relax. If it means a change in the rules and the way we are currently running the loch then that will happen, also it is up to you the angler to let us know if you see something suspicious, but the real sad part is that whoever did this to catch a few fish is only cheating himself and they will never improve or enjoy the sport plus spoiling a good day out for others.
To Book for Fishing Call John on 01337840355 or 07968006367. or email