“Goldenloch Fishery” Report / Blog 2023
Contact Details: john@john-nicol.co.uk 01337840355 / 07968006367
Loch Conditions: Secchi Disk Clarity is 8 feet, Temperature: at 3ft is 14.6 degrees.
Outside Air: is 9.00 Degrees, Wind is East South East
28/05/2023 Sunday
The water is so clear, {everyone fishing has said that} the problem is only some anglers can catch more than a few fish, while others only get one or two, there are lots of fish however, but quite a few have been killed since I last stocked, approx, 45 by the Ospreys, which are continuous just now, and 32 by anglers, wishing to kill to take home, basically the fish are in perfect condition, a really nice size for cooking, plus also a lot of guys take them to feed to there dogs or give to neighbour’s, so that’s what fishing is all about, I have ordered a load for this coming week, these new fish should stir up the residents, but it is pretty hard just now to catch them, the wellbeing group that comes on a Thursday however did well this week, and the youngster’s that were out on Wednesday had a great day, getting down to the main issues just now, which is the weed it seems to be growing very quickly in certain places, my weed pulling machine is currently being serviced for a busy season, will be up and running this coming week, however lure pullers have loads of places to fish, its only at the far end that the weed is rampant, today Sunday early morning start 5am John Bashford had 3 loosing loads as well, Rod Thaw on Crunchers had 5, George Duff on yellow owls had 6, dropping many more, R Kelly great day 5 one over 5lbs broke line yellow owls shipman’s yellow blob, M Chesser 1, small CDC, Sandy Band 3 yellow owl, Brian Imrie being tested hard, in plenty moving fish had 2 on small CDC, needs his buddy Con to keep him company, Brian Kemp 2 killed Diawl Bachs, Colin Hay 1 plus a perch needs a wee break to Spain to re-evaluate techniques Lol, Geoff Gadd 3 black, now Debbie and Derek have been having a great time they seem to always get 3 and 2 usually Derek wins, but on Saturday Debbie got the biggest catch by far with a yellow dancer in her ear Lol, Colin hay on Tuesday night had 12 on CDC Owls hares ear Muddlers, Jim Anderson 7 on CDC 3 Buzzer, having a fab night on Monday night were Richard Johnstone 9 and Steven Johnston 2 both using y/owls CDC and floating Fry, I have to mention Stuart Penman and Leslie Mitchell who both Blanked on Wednesday, I have no idea what you pair were doing wrong as there were fish everywhere, the fishing is tough just now, but it is exciting and stimulating, every fish caught has to fought for, that’s what the sport of Fly Fishing is all about, so many lads expect to catch loads of fish every time they go out, yet all the names and ones not mentioned above that are fishing here just now, are having a great time, people are in a great mood and with warm conditions it great fun.
The “Goldenloch Fishery” offers Boat or Bank fishing, or both, superb location in Northeast Fife, Quiet, Relaxing, no background noise, beginners welcome, abundant wildlife. Best quality fish, Phone, or email for information or to book, 01337840355 or 07968006367 or email john@john-nicol.co.uk