“Goldenloch Fishery” Report / Blog 2023
Contact Details: john@john-nicol.co.uk 01337840355 / 07968006367
Loch Conditions: Secchi Disk Clarity is 6 feet, Temperature: at 3ft is 3 degrees
Outside Air Temperature: is 6.8 Degrees, Wind is WNW light with chill 3.0 degrees
04/01/2023 Wednesday 14;10
Hi all, welcome to this new year 2023, my Fishery blog, it’s a nice perfect day today, all the ice has gone, and there is a light breeze over the water, unfortunately its from the East and even although the air temperature is near 7 there is a chill factor bringing the temperature down to 3.0, last week saw ice and excessive rain fall this saw the water getting very cloudy, making fishing almost impossible, Rod Thaw one of my best anglers fished on Saturday past, he Blanked, however he was fighting against ice forming all around him, the fishing lately has been all up and down, quite a lot caught some days good catches and some days poor, the fish still seem to be in a shoal, one day just after Christmas there were great catches being made in “Jocks Corner” also at the top end of the loch near the rushes, again many fish being caught, with a good number of Tiger trout in the water just now its good to see the Odd one being caught, Sandy Band, Perth, I believe had one at 3>4 Lbs, Tomorrow sees the 1st outing in 2023 of the Well Being Group, who have been coming now regularly for a few months, we support them with equip, flies + subsidised fishing, Lloyd our chief instructor, has also been the head chef to them with his skill in using a bar-be-que, this is a very worthwhile cause, any one with severe hardship, trauma, or any reason to want to come Fly Fishing is welcome, just call or turnup, in supporting them we will be putting a fresh new stocking tomorrow (First in 2023) am from Invicta Trout, lets all make 2023 the year to take up Fly Fishing as a hobby / Sport.
The “Goldenloch Fishery” offers Boat or Bank fishing, or both, superb location in Northeast Fife, Quiet, Relaxing, no background noise, beginners welcome, abundant wildlife. Best quality fish, Phone, or email for information or to book, 01337840355 or 07968006367 or email john@john-nicol.co.uk john@goldenloch.co.uk