“Goldenloch Fishing” My Fishy Blog 2022
email: john@john-nicol.co.uk
Phone; 01337840355, or 07968006367
Water Temp 09.00 Degrees – Secchi is 6 ft
“The Goldenloch” 01/05/2022,
Fishery Blog, May, Friday, Week 18.
May has arrived, it makes people smile, it’s here at last, some nice warm weather with it, longer daylight hours, crystal clear water, a constant west wind that’s not to strong, birds making nests, singing, chirping, sitting on eggs, young animals scampering about, plus an old friend arrived this week, I was really very surprised to see him, retired 25 years ago as a professor at Stirling University, he was one of Scotland’s leading entomologists, he has been coming here for as long as I can remember, Alister was a great friend of my parents, he makes notes and drawings of all the water insects, pretty much keeps me informed, He asked if there was a lot of good fishing in the bay down in the corner nearest the car park, which I replied yes, it was amazing in February March, so much so we called it Jocks pond, he then told me that the perch were using it as a nursery area, it was completely stuffed with microscopic baby perch, now this guy has a massive knowledge about insects and water borne fly life, it’s his belief that the lack of flies hatching so far this year, has been due in part to the huge winds that were constantly blowing relentlessly, changing direction, plus these wind coupled with really low morning temperatures that dropped the surface temperatures, however all that is behind us now and flies hatching is becoming normal, rising fish all day now feeding, popping up and down, great to see, for several days lads have been getting great catches using dry flies and buzzers making going fly fishing much more fun, Rod Thaw is definitely enjoying his fishing, J Souter back catching fish after a dry spell, Cammy having his best day ever his words with 17 to the net all on dry flies, someone left their glasses which are now in the lodge, L John having a great day again on dry flies, M Farrell and brother G saw the biggest rise ever one evening catching 2 each, Scott Fraser 18 to the net, brother Steven getting 11, Andy Morgan had 12 on dry’s, Kaptain Kemp, Andy Burgerseed been away for a long time in Ukraine deciding to come back to Scotland for safety went fishing and just had a very relaxing day feeling safe.
The “Goldenloch Fishery” offers Boat or Bank fishing, or both, superb location in Northeast Fife, Quiet, Relaxing, no background noise, beginners welcome, abundant wildlife. Best quality fish, Phone, or email for information or to book, 01337840355 or 07968006367 or email john@john-nicol.co.uk john@goldenloch.co.uk