“Goldenloch Fishing” Blog 2022
email: john@john-nicol.co.uk
Phone; 01337840355, or 07968006367
Water Temp 02.80 Degrees – Secchi is 4 ft +
“The Goldenloch” 07/02/2022, Fishery Blog, Week 10.
I knew that the fishing would suddenly pick up, coming good, which it has, all it needed was some sun rays, that’s what we got coupled with a good high pressure, from now on it will just get better and better. on Friday 04th March, Alex and Andrew, “the Bentley Boys” arrived as did Sandy Band, almost straight away they were into fish, ( but it really started the day before with Jock Souter fishing) Andrew first getting a cracking fit 3.5 Lb rainbow, which was solid, returning it to fight again he was straight into another, Sandy also picking up good fighting fish, joined by Dave Wilson here for a couple of hours, by the end of the session Alex and Andrew had 9 each, Sandy on 5 and Dave had 6, all these fish were in great condition due mostly to the copious amounts of feeding on the loch floor a symptom of the lack of ice this winter, it is always a bit of a worry with a fishery like ours, when we don’t rellie on stockies, this because we always carry a good head of fish, it is a concern, especially after winter when the food source is low, what will their condition be like, Saturday saw Rod Thaw out, with 6 fish returned, Rods comments were good solid hard fighting fish some with a few blood worms attached, (which we expect), the weekend didn’t end with that however, B Sutherland returning 12 using Diawl Bachs, plus a Black Green Lure, L Graham on buzzers returning 8, G Duff 3, Cammy using a Hot Head Damsel returned 5, however please do not assume that it was warm as it most certainly is not, everyone is pretty well wrapped up, tomorrow Monday sees a fresh stocking being introduced, which should hopefully stir up the resting sleeping trout that are lying on the loch floor, yep it is nice to think that the winter is over, but there is always time for more wind and rain but I am pretty sure that the ice or rather prolonged ice has gone now. The Cormorants are back in force just now with 8 on Thursday, 4 and 5 on other days, I go down early each day to make sur that they do not settle on the water, these birds can terrorise fish in body of water 1 bird easily using a 20-acre body of water to catch its two or three fish. The “Goldenloch Fishery” offers Boat or Bank fishing, or both, superb location in North East Fife, Quiet, Relaxing, no background noise, beginners welcome, abundant wildlife. Best quality fish, Phone, or email for information or to book, 01337840355 or 07968006367 or email john@john-nicol.co.ukjohn@goldenloch.co.uk